
Journal Publications

  1. Shankar, R., Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Li, H. (2024). Nonverbal Peer Feedback and User Contribution in Online Forums: Experimental Evidence of the Role of Attribution and Emotions. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(2), 267-303.
  2. Zhao, X., Huang, L., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. (2023). Understanding of the dynamics of mobile reading: An HMM model of user engagement and content consumption. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming. [Corresponding author], [Research News], [UTD24, FT50]
  3. Ho, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L. (Listed Alphabetically) (2023). Fun Shopping: A Randomized Field Experiment on Gamification. Information Systems Research, 34(2), 766-785. [UTD24, FT50]
  4. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. (2022). Forecasting venue popularity on location‐based services using interpretable machine learning. Production and Operations Management, 31(7), 2773-2788. [Lead article for the July 2022 Issue] [UTD24, FT50]
  5. Guo, H., Zhang, D., Liu, S., Wang, L., Ding, Y. (2021). Bitcoin price forecasting: A perspective of underlying blockchain transactions. Decision Support Systems, 151, 113650.
  6. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. (2020). Impact of Gamification on Perceptions of Word-of-Mouth Contributors and Actions of Word-of-Mouth Consumers. MIS Quarterly, 44(4), 1987-2011. [UTD24, FT50]
  7. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. (2015). On the brink: Predicting business failure with mobile location-based checkins. Decision Support Systems, 76, 3-13.
  8. Ba, S., Wang, L. (Listed Alphabetically) (2013). Digital Health Communities: The Effect of Their Motivation Mechanisms. Decision Support Systems, 55, 941-947.

Working Papers

  1. Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Ho, Y. Game of Brainstorm: The Impact of a Badge System on Knowledge Sharing. (Under preparation for the third round review)
  2. Liu, Y., Wang, L., Yang, S., Wang, Y. AI-Powered Digital Streamers for Online Retail: Empirical Evidence and Design Strategies Through Experiments (Under preparation for the third round review)
  3. Hou, J., Wang, L., Wang, G., Wang, J., Yang, S. (Co-First Author) The Double-Edged Roles of Generative AI in the Creative Process: Experiments on Design Work (Under preparation for the second round review)
  4. Wang, L., Huang, L., Gopal, R. From Exposure to Expression: The Influence of NSFW Content on User Interaction Dynamics in Generative AI and its Implications for Moderation (To be submitted)


  1. Free No More: The Impact of Free Trial Termination on User Engagement in Generative AI Platforms (with Lee, B.)
  2. From Parrots to Picassos: Community-Driven Learning of Generative AI Prompt Skills (with Huang, L.)
  3. Where and When They Come From Matters: Exploring Drivers of Customer Purchases in Live Streaming (with Tian, J., Lin, Q., Jia, N.)
  4. Utilizing Gamification Designs to Enhance Student Engagement in Co-Curricular Activities (with Zhang, Y., Jackson, J., Phillips, R.)
  5. Unveiling the Eco-Friendly Future of Agriculture: The Role of IT in Enlightening Underprivileged group in Rural China (with Yu, S.)
  6. From Casual Strollers to Hardcore Sprinters: The Marathon of Game Engagement on Steam (with Zhang, Y.)
  7. Freemium and Beyond: Optimal Quantity Analysis for Free Sample in Digital Products (with Huang, L., Zhao, X., Zhang, C.)

Conference Papers and Presentations

  1. Hou, J., Wang, L., Wang, G., Wang, J., Yang, S. The Double-Edged Roles of Generative AI in the Creative Process: Experiments on Design Work. Wharton’s AI and the Future of Work conference, May 2024.
  2. Wang, L., Huang, L., Gopal, R. Understanding the NSFW Conundrum in Generative AI: How It Affects User Responses and Moderation Tactics. Biz AI Conference: AI Applications in Business Research, March 3024.
  3. Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Ho, Y. Game for Brainstorm: The Impact of a Badge System on Knowledge Sharing. Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), October 2023.
  4. Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Ho, Y. Game for Brainstorm: The Impact of a Badge System on Knowledge Sharing. INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2023.
  5. Wang, G., Wang, J., Wang, L. Impact of Generative AI on the Production of Creative Tasks. The annual Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), June 2023.
  6. Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Ho, Y. Game for Brainstorm: The Impact of a Badge System on Knowledge Sharing. The 33rd Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management (POMS), May 2023.
  7. Liu, Y., Wang, L., Yang, S., Wang, Y. Gamified Live Streaming: Is Avatar Better than Human Being? The 33rd Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management (POMS), May 2023.
  8. Liu, Y., Wang, L., Yang, S., Wang, Y. Gamified Live Streaming: Is Avatar Better than Human Being? The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2022.
  9. Zhao, X., Huang, L., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. Understanding the Rise of Mobile Phone Reading: The Impact of Network Quality, Recency and Frequency on Content Consumption. The 32nd Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management (POMS), April 2022.
  10. Zhao, X., Huang, L., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. Content Spending and Network Quality in Mobile Channels: A Hidden Markov Model of User Engagement and Content Consumption. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 2022.
  11. Wang, L., Huang, L., Zhao, X., Zhang, C. Consumer Learning and Engagement in Freemium Pricing. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2020.
  12. Zhao, X., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. Pricing and Network Quality in Mobile Channels: A Hidden Markov Model of Consumer Engagement and Content Consumption. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2020.
  13. Zhao, X., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. Pricing and Network Quality in Mobile Channels: A Hidden Markov Model of Consumer Engagement and Content Consumption. The 16th annual Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), June 2020.
  14. Zhao, X., Wang, L., Yazdani, E., Zhang, C. Pricing and Network Quality in Mobile Channels: A Hidden Markov Model of Consumer Engagement and Content Consumption. Marketing Science Conference, June 2020.
  15. Ho, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L. Fun Shopping - A randomized field experiment of Gamification. The 15th annual Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), June 2019.
  16. Ho, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L. Fun Shopping - A randomized field experiment of Gamification. The Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), December 2018.
  17. Wang, L., Zhang, C., Zhao, X. Content Consumption and Pricing in Mobile Channels. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, August 2018.
  18. Wang, L., Zhang, C., Zhao, X. Content Consumption and Pricing in Mobile Channels. China Summer Workshop in Information Management (CSWIM), Qingdao, China, June 2018.
  19. Wang, L., Zhang, C., Zhao, X. Digital Content Consumption in Mobile Channels. The 29th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management (POMS), Houston, May 2018.
  20. Ho, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L. Fun Shopping - A randomized field experiment of Gamification. The 28th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management (POMS), Seattle, May 2017.
  21. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. The impact of gamification on word-of-mouth effectiveness: Evidence from Foursquare. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Island of Hawaii, January 2017.
  22. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. Cultivating consumer engagement with mobile and gamification. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, November 2016.
  23. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. Cultivating consumer engagement with mobile and gamification. Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, June 2016.
  24. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. Cultivating consumer engagement with mobile and gamification. The 12th Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR), Naxos, Greece, June 2016.
  25. Wang, L., Kumar, A. What makes an elite member on a forum? Evidence from Yelp. The Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Dallas, December 2015.
  26. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Are you on the edge of failure? Let the customer checkin tell you. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, January 2015.
  27. Wang, L., Gunasti, K., Shankar, R., Pancras, J., Gopal, R. Game of drones: Impact of gamification on word-of-mouth effectiveness for retailers. The Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014.
  28. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Are you on the edge of failure? Let the customer checkin tell you. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2014.
  29. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Predicting restaurant failure through Foursquare customer check-ins. International Symposium of Information Systems (ISIS), Rajasthan, India, January 2014.
  30. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Checking in to check it out: An empirical analysis of customers engagement on location-based social media. Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Milan, Italy, December 2013.
  31. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Checking in to check it out: An empirical analysis of customers engagement on location-based social media. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 2013.
  32. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Location-based services and their impact on local businesses: Evidence from Foursquare. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, November 2012.
  33. Wang, L., Gopal, R., Shankar, R., Pancras, J. Location-based services and their impact on local businesses: Evidence from Foursquare. Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR), Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
  34. Wang, L. Competing across different channels: The case of online fitness service. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China, December 2011.
  35. Wang, L. Competing across different channels: The case of online fitness service. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 2011.
  36. Ba, S., Wang, L. Digital health communities: The effect of their motivation mechanisms. The Winter Conference on Business Intelligence, Salt Lake City, March 2011.
  37. Ba, S., Wang, L. Digital health communities: The effect of their motivation mechanisms. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, November 2010.